Eritrea: Financial support to families of martyrs

Eritrea: Financial support to families of martyrs

Eritrea: Financial support to families of martyrs

Eritrea: Financial support to families of martyrs

Members of Customs office as well as members of the PFDJ at the Ministry of Health in the Central Region extended financial support to 47 families of martyrs.

According to report, members of the PFDJ at the Ministry of Health branch in the Central Region extended one thousand Nakfa each to 37 families of martyrs in the sub-zones of Akria, Sembel, Paradizo, Mai-Temenay, Tsetserat, Godiaf, Edaga Hamus and Geza-Banda.

Likewise, the members of the Customs office extended 1 thousand 300 Nakfa each to 10 families of martyrs in Arbaete Asmara sub-zone.

In the same vein, Diaspora nationals contributed 1 thousand 800 Euros towards augmenting the National Martyrs Trust Fund.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Information, Eritrea.